w e l c o m e -
Sheep Guild, Mari Server.
Long Time, No Sheep... Mabinogi

"We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grew old because we stopped playing."
w e l c o m e -
Sheep Guild, Mari Server.
Long Time, No Sheep... Mabinogi

"We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grew old because we stopped playing."
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 Long Time, No Sheep...

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Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-10-25
Age : 27
Location : Georgia

Long Time, No Sheep... Empty
PostSubject: Long Time, No Sheep...   Long Time, No Sheep... EmptySat Dec 04, 2010 12:59 pm

Well you've guys have probably been wondering what happened to me. It's actually a long story but I will try to make it short.

First, why was gone for some time in the beginning is because I had to study for tests that I had to take to get me into my high school's IB program. Second, was that I had to take test to get me into gifted in 8th grade, right now. And last was because I had basketball practice all the time and I wouldn't get home until 7pm (Eastern) and then I had to do homework and get ready for school the next day. Well a week later everything started to become manageable...until my step dad bought a new router. Well my laptop is too slow for the router I haven't had internet on my laptop for days. Right now I'm using my mom's desktop but she won't let me install Mabinogi on it

Well I do have some good news:)
While I'm typing right now, my dad is looking for a device for my laptop so it can connect to our router. So pretty much I'll be on Mabinogi again! I have a lot of catching up on leveling but I also excited to play again.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be back really soon and can't wait to see land of Erinn again!
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