Disclaimer: This might be a little sappy.
It's been one hell of a year (okay, okay, it's more like 10 months, but close enough >:L!). It's been such a great experience~ It's been filled with a lot of firsts for me! First app on the forum, first guild friends, first msn/skype, first kickass trans (dk xP), first solo raft, first wedding (aka first srs luls/shenanigans), first serious wedding, first senior member... first guild I really loved to death x3 It's been so awesome to be able to see you guys become Sheep and to be able to change with you guys over time. I wouldn't have picked any other guild to stay with for so long~
And now for the reason I'm leaving. I've always wanted to lead a guild and I think now I've gotten to the point where I can do that (without failing miserably).
This doesn't mean I'm going to disappear off your side of mabi; oh, no, don't think that for an instant xD! All my services (shop mule, pathetic rD blacksmithing, rafts at the cost of mp pots, someone to run dungeons with that won't do lame things like key-hogging, etc) are still up for your use because you're all my friends.
Yes, I just deemed you all as my friends >:L! No arguments because it's true.
So please, feel free to add me (hitsuji) or note me at any time! I won't bite... hard. >D /shot/ I jest, I jest =D
I doubt I'll post much on the Sheep forums anymore, as it wouldn't be too appropriate. If I find something epic like an epicsauce guide or backup wiki, I might post it here or something.
I will be reading this thread but I will not post in this thread again-- so please don't ask questions you expect me to answer xD;; If you have questions, again, add/pm/creeper-whisper/note me. You can also add me on msn if you'd like (should be one o' the little icons at the end of this post somewhere).
With much squiggly and SHIFT love,
From your blue, almost half-decent mage,